Scientific Publications
You can also find my papers on Google Scholar, my ORCID page or on HAL.
Preprints (2)
Sex-specific behavioral syndromes allow the independent evolution of behavioral dimorphism
2021. Raphaël Royauté, Anne V Hedrick, Ned A Dochtermann. .
Preprint OSF
Integration of intra-and inter-sexual selection signaling
2020. Courtney R Garrison, Raphaël Royauté, Ned A Dochtermann. .
Published Articles (24)
The promise of community-driven preprints in ecology and evolution
2025. Daniel WA Noble, Zoe A Xirocostas, Nicholas C Wu, April Robin Martinig, Rafaela A Almeida, Kevin R Bairos-Novak, Heikel Balti, Michael G Bertram, Louis Bliard, Jack A Brand, Ilha Byrne, Ying-Chi Chan, Dena J Clink, Quentin Corbel, Ricardo A Correia, Jordann Crawford-Ash, Antica Culina, Elvira D'Bastiani, Gideon D Gywa, Melina de Souza Leite, Félicie Dhellemmes, Shreya Dimri, Szymon M Drobniak, Alexander D Elsy, Susan E Everingham, Samuel JL Gascoigne, Matthew Grainger, Gavin C Hossack, Knut A Hovstad, Ed R Ivimey-Cook, Matt Lloyd Jones, Ineta Kačergytė, Georg Küstner, Dalton C Leibold, Magdalena M Mair, Jake M Martin, Ayumi Mizuno, Ian R Moodie, David Moreau, Rose E O'Dea, James A Orr, Matthieu Paquet, Rabindra Parajuli, Joel L Pick, Patrice Pottier, Marija Purgar, Pablo Recio, Dominique G Roche, Raphaël Royauté, Saeed S Sabet, Julio MG Segovia, Inês Silva, Alfredo Sánchez-Tójar, Bruno E Soares, Birgit Szabo, Elina Takola, Eli Thoré, Bishnu Timilsina, Natalie E van Dis, Wilco CEP Verberk, Stefan JG Vriend, Kristoffer H Wild, Coralie Williams, Yefeng Yang, Shinichi Nakagawa, Malgorzata Lagisz. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Open Access Preprint GitHub
Individual flexibility in group foraging behaviour of reef manta rays (Mobula alfredi)
2024. Annie Murray, Raphaël Royauté, Guy M. W. Stevens, Callum Roberts, Kathryn E. Arnold. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.
Open Access GitHub
Drift on holey landscapes as a dominant evolutionary process
2023. Ned A Dochtermann, Brady Klock, Derek A Roff, Raphaël Royauté. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Open Access GitHub
Nature 4.0: A networked sensor system for integrated biodiversity monitoring
2023. Dirk Zeuss, Lisa Bald, Jannis Gottwald, Marcel Becker, Hicham Bellafkir, Jörg Bendix, Phillip Bengel, Larissa T. Beumer, Roland Brandl, Martin Brändle, Stephan Dahlke, Nina Farwig, Bernd Freisleben, Nicolas Friess, Lea Heidrich, Sven Heue, Jonas Höchst, Hajo Holzmann, Patrick Lampe, Martin Leberecht, Kim Lindner, Juan F. Masello, Jonas Mielke Möglich, Markus Mühling, Thomas Müller, Alexey Noskov, Lars Opgenoorth, Carina Peter, Petra Quillfeldt, Sascha Rösner, Raphaël Royauté, Christian M. Runge, Dana Schabo, Daniel Schneider, Bernhard Seeger, Elliot Shayle, Ralf Steinmetz, Pavel Tafo, Markus Vogelbacher, Stephan Wöllauer, Sohaib Younis, Julian Zobe, Thomas Nauss. Global Change Biology.
Open Access
Implementing Code Review in the Scientific Workflow: Insights from Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
2023. Edward Richard Ivimey-Cook, Joel L Pick, Kevin Bairos-Novak, Antica Culina, Elliot Gould, Matthew Grainger, Benjamin Marshall, David Moreau, Matthieu Paquet, Raphaël Royauté, Alfredo Sanchez-Tojar, Inês Silva, Saras Windecker. Journal of Evolutionary Biology.
Open Access Preprint
Fencing amplifies individual differences in movement with implications on survival for two migratory ungulates
2023. Wenjing Xu, Laura C Gigliotti, Raphaël Royauté, Hall Sawyer, Arthur D. Middleton. Journal of Animal Ecology.
Publisher's Version
Classifying the activity states of small vertebrates using automated VHF telemetry
2023. Jannis Gottwald, Raphaël Royauté, Marcel Becker, Tobias Geitz, Jonas Höchst, Patrick Lampe, Lea Leister, Kim Lindner, Julia Maier, Sascha Rösner, Dana G Schabo, Bernd Freisleben, Roland Brandl, Thomas Müller, Nina Farwig, Thomas Nauss. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
Open Access Data GitHub
Moving away from repeatability: a comment on Stuber et al.
2022. Niels J Dingemanse, Anne G Hertel,, Raphaël Royauté. Behavioral Ecology.
Open Access Publisher's Version
Phylogenetic conservation of behavioural variation and behavioural syndromes
2022. Jeremy Dalos,, Raphaël Royauté, Ann V Hedrick, Ned A Dochtermann. Journal of Evolutionary Biology.
Correction Publisher's Version Preprint OSF
Biologging reveals individual variation in behavioural predictability in the wild
2021. Anne G Hertel, Raphaël Royauté, Andreas Zedrosser, Thomas Mueller. Journal of Animal Ecology.
Open Access OSF
Comparing ecological and evolutionary variability within datasets
2021. Raphaël Royauté, Ned A Dochtermann. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.
Publisher's Version Preprint OSF
Behavioural syndromes shape evolutionary trajectories via conserved genetic architecture
2020. Raphaël Royauté, Anne V Hedrick, Ned A Dochtermann. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Publisher's Version Preprint Data GitHub
The heritability of behavior: a meta-analysis
2019. Ned A Dochtermann, Tori Schwab, Monica A Berdal, Jeremy Dalos, Raphaël Royauté. ]Journal of Heredity.
Open Access Data GitHub
The mean matters: going beyond repeatability to interpret behavioural variation
2019. Ned A Dochtermann, Raphaël Royauté. Animal Behaviour.
Open Access Publisher's Version
Current energy state interacts with the developmental environment to influence behavioural plasticity]
2019. Raphaël Royauté, Courtney Garrison, Jeremy Dalos, Monica A Berdal, Ned A Dochtermann. Animal Behaviour.
Open Access Publisher's Version
Paceless life? A meta-analysis of the pace-of-life syndrome hypothesis
2018. Raphaël Royauté, Monica A Berdal, Courtney R Garrison, Ned A Dochtermann. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.
Open Access Publisher's Version Data
Phenotypic integration in an extended phenotype: among‐individual variation in nest‐building traits of the alfalfa leafcutting bee (Megachile rotundata)
2018. Raphaël Royauté, Elisabeth S Wilson, Bryan R Helm, Rachel E Mallinger, Jarrad Prasifka, Kendra J Greenlee, Julia H Bowsher. Journal of Evolutionary Biology.
Open Access Publisher's Version Data
When the mean no longer matters: Developmental diet affects behavioral variation but not population averages in the house cricket (Acheta domesticus)
2017. Raphaël Royauté, Ned A Dochtermann. Behavioral Ecology.
Open Access Publisher's Version Data
Genetic conservation and management of the California endemic Torrey pine (*Pinus torreyana* Parry): Implications of genetic rescue in a genetically depauperate species
2017. Jill A Hamilton, Raphaël Royauté, Jessica W Wright, Paul Hodgskiss, F Thomas Ledig. ]Ecology and Evolution.
Open Access
Under the influence: sublethal exposure to an insecticide affects personality expression in a jumping spider
2015. Raphaël Royauté, Christopher M Buddle, Charles Vincent. Functional Ecology.
Open Access Publisher's Version Data
Behaviour metabolism and size: phenotypic modularity or integration in Acheta domesticus?
2015. Raphaël Royauté, Kendra Greenlee, Maxwell Baldwin, Ned A Dochtermann. Animal Behaviour.
Open Access Publisher's Version
Contaminants as a neglected source of behavioural variation
2014. Pierre-Olivier Montiglio, Raphaël Royauté. Animal Behaviour.
Open Access Publisher's Version
Interpopulation variations in behavioral syndromes of a jumping spider from insecticide‐treated and insecticide‐free orchards
2014. Raphaël Royauté, Christopher M Buddle, Charles Vincent. Ethology.
Open Access Publisher's Version
Colonization dynamics of agroecosystem spider assemblages after snow-melt in Quebec (Canada)
2012. Raphaël Royauté, Christopher M Buddle. Journal of Arachnology.
Open Access Publisher's Version
Factors influencing behavioural variation in apple orchard populations of the jumping spider Eris militaris (Araneae: Salticidae)
2014. Raphaël J Royauté. .
Open Access